Holiday spirit

The holiday season in near. Use this time to prepare yourselves and your family and friends. What do I mean by prepare? Have a plan in place for different issues that may arise.

Have a plan in place for trips to the mall prior to leaving the house. Review the plan with everyone going to the mall before leaving or upon arrival at the mall. Everyone should know their role in an emergency, the meeting place in or near the mall, each others phone number, etc. Children should not be unattended, especially during the holidays! Malls are super crowded and that is exactly what predators are counting on. If you get separated, again know the meeting place. Children should have the numbers of  911, Police and emergency family contacts in case of separation or emergency. You should have a party plan of emergency as well. Well established rules for each under aged member of the family as well as some adults.

Many people struggle emotionally during the holidays for different reasons. This is a time for the rest of the support system to step up and give extra attention and love to these individuals. A supportive, non judgmental approach would be beneficial in their time of need. Send text messages and make phone calls if you can’t be there physically. Electronic greeting cards are an effective way to show someone that you care. Depression is real and the places it can take someone mentally and physically is real. We must do better at supporting those we consider in our sphere of caring and show them we care. If you suspect someone of contemplating suicide or you yourself are considering suicide PLEASE SEEK ASSISTANCE Now!

Please use todays struggles to be tomorrows rainbow of hope for someone else. Your life matters and time will prove it if you allow it to show you.


National Suicide Hotline number: 1-800-273-8255

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